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Coping Through the Pandemic

For me, other than fearing catching this deadly virus, life has not changed too much. For the most part, I work in isolation anyway. People and household chores often distract me as my studio is in my home. I have been able to get more work done, to work intensely as the passion grips me, without being pulled away to socialize.

Consequently, I just completed a small 12 x 16 inch color study and am working on a larger version on a 24 x 36 inch canvas. Several hours of work have gone into coming up with a sketch of a composition that I am pleased with, followed by the color study in acrylics. Since then I have sketched out the scene onto the larger canvas and started blocking it in.

I hope that all of you who are reading this are also finding your way through this crisis and are staying safe.

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